

2022-05-20 08:18:07读后感470

Plain Hunan have a common boundary is tea cave, draw near according to hill water has border city; Be far from hubbub and world absolutely, calm is auspicious be like elfland; Hill annulus water is circled scene is picturesque, person of white tower stand erect if orchid; One old depend on each other of one little Gu, one boat often accompanies one dog.


Read " border town " this book, brain had emerald green emerald green this epitome; Looked " border town " this film, had in the head emerald green emerald green this people; Review " border town " this story, love thought of in the heart, review " border town " this one clue, saw close situation at the moment. I cannot forget emerald green emerald green that pair does not know well affairs of human life, clear and Anacreontic big eye; I cannot forget emerald green emerald green clear water of that piece of “ gives lotus, natural go the face of ” of vulture act the role ofing; I cannot forget emerald green emerald green that paragraph dies without known cause, sense day moves the love of the ground.


I also cannot forget a grandfather that pair of full of vicissitudes of life, abstruse the eye eye that has a mind; Cannot forget a grandfather that piece of ruffle slowly, the face of hardships of a journey or of one's life of all previous classics; Cannot forget the grandfather is very fond of granddaughter that, show loving care for the friend's sincerity; Cannot forget a grandfather that kind is open-minded and optimistic, of unrestrained and far -ranging feel relieved.


Emerald green emerald green it is so innocent, so kind-hearted, so tender, so pure, so Qing Dynasty is pure; She is so beautiful, so moving, so enthusiastic, so hardworking and thrifty, so plain; She is so firm, so brave, so stubborn, so true composition, so simple kindness, so the real situation. She what lost father and mother makes a person take pity on, she what be very fond of without the family member calls a person to sympathize with, she what depend on each other with grandfather makes the person is fond of cherish, she what be companion with ferry makes a person sad, she what fall in love with exorcise to send calls a person anxious, arrowy annals not she what change awaits a sweetheart calls a person distressed.


Emerald green emerald green grandfather is that kind goodness, that kind guileless, that kind laborious that kind diligent and conscientious, that kind faithful, that kind simple and honest. He is assumed alone rose to take care of emerald green emerald green responsibility, be in all the time for emerald green emerald green in the future consider, for emerald green emerald green future paves a road, he devoteds to all the time post, the gram uses up devoir, he all the time Le Shanhao is applied, do not seek get one's own back. But God is honest to him too inequitable, he lost son daughter-in-law, the child that takes next bitter lot only wants to take care of; His of one mind is his granddaughter consider, let however emerald green emerald green in staying in the abyss of misery that await; He is hopeful all the time demand the life, unfortunate however sicken, die an unnatural death; He is bright and clear all the time and open-minded, but taking however do not abandon, taking a pity, taking but, taking miserable left the world, such ending, call popular feeling really painful, call a person really afflictive.


Of Mr Shen Congwen " border town " left us bitterness, also left us thoughtful, I wish everybody can acquire a few useful things from which, see a few worthy things, get a few have the edificatory of deep desire.


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