

2022-05-27 18:01:02读后感518

I am reading recently the name is " Confucianism forest outside history " book. Among them, an extract is called " Yan Jiansheng die " , let me can'ted help be immersed in deeply ponder over ……


The story told Yan Jiansheng disease to fall on the bed, the illness is very serious. The doctor says: “ severe inspect falls ill, already cannot drug, can wait for him only slowly gone. Of ” Guan Zhuang call family. The person was swarmed in the house in the evening. Yan Jiansheng extended two finger from the quilt. Big nephew says: Does “ have two family members to had not seen? 2 nephews of ” say: “ has two money, did not take? ” wet nurse is holding elder brother in the arms child say: Is “ admirable not long child had not seen? The wife say of ” Yan Jiansheng: “ as form of a address for an official or rich man, I am known, because nodded two lamps bine,be, be? ” Yan Jiansheng, this ability nods, final eye closes a composition.


In reality I ever also had encountered a such troubles. At that time, before my grandfather is faced, a lot of kin family round him. They say: “ lord child, you but must not go! ” lord child piece dehisce, but inaudible sound, is knowing to say. Mother's eldest sister guesses say: Is “ this bed sleeps disturbedly? 2 aunts of ” say: the quilt did not build “ good, too cold? ” grandma asks: “ old fogey, it is lamp light, be afraid of cost report? Grandpa ” nods, closed an eye.


A such severe inspect are unripe, living when extremely use up hardworking and thrifty, to one one's deathbed, such still. What kind is lamentable! Can you be most person not such? Not long life, live so that buckle to buckle all alone, to oneself not treat with leniency, to other Yi Ran. Be kind to life of these a few years please, everything what meet with not answer exist.


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