

2022-06-07 20:01:03读后感184

The author is kind-hearted, one by one. There are beautiful and quiet nature, broad and selfless maternal love, and pure and childlike innocence in the book. It took me a lot of time to come to the spring water and taste it. In the twilight, the stars gradually became clear. Under its light, I picked up the lamp and continued to taste the "Stars· spring water"


these little poems praise the world. Bing Xin hopes that the world is full of love, people live in harmony with each other, and people and nature depend on and integrate with each other


“ Childhood! It's the truth in the dream, the real dream, the tearful smile in the memory” Cherish the good time of childhood, he will dye colorful colors on the white scroll of life. Our childhood will be so short and precious in our life. Romance, innocence and innocence have become synonymous with childhood


“ The flower of public opinion grows bigger; The fruit of action, the smaller the fruit” Talk less and do more. Such six words appear in every corner of the composition world. People often say more than do. We will say everything we do, but we won't do everything we say. Almost everyone is like this


“ Why should the birds in the air contend with the mistakes in the cage? You have your own world” We have such a time when we are overwhelmed by a moment of excitement. Too many times, we forget what we have said to ourselves, and we immediately forget who we are


“ Successful flower, people only admire her present brilliance! However, at the beginning, her bud was soaked with the tears of struggle and the blood rain of sacrifice” We only see the results of others' success and never care about the process of success. We complain about the injustice of fate, but we never want to change the unfair fate in the past. We have seen too many people succeed, and we should succeed ourselves. Like a successful person, do a successful thing


close the book of stars and spring water, spring water“ Clattering”, A meteor streaked across the sky


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