

2022-06-07 22:08:09读后感372

Wang Xifeng is a character in a dream of Red Mansions. She is one of the twelve hairpins in Jinling, Jia Lian's wife and Mrs. Wang's niece. She is highly valued by Jia's mother and Mrs. Wang. They are called fengjiaozi, Sister Feng and second grandma Lian


she has a pair of red phoenix triangular eyes and two curved willow leaf hanging eyebrows. She is slim and coquettish. Her pink face contains spring power without revealing. She hears her red lips before smiling. If she doesn't see anyone, she hears her voice first. With a hearty laugh, it gives people an unusual feeling


born in a large family, she is cultured, abides by the three obediences and four virtues, respects the old and loves the young, and even respects the elderly servants. She is cunning, cunning, articulate and resourceful. She is smart and capable. She is in charge of the housework of Jia family and Ning family and takes care of the land in an orderly manner. But also extremely greedy, taking bribes and delaying the monthly payment of public funds, so as to earn personal money. Finally get a“ It's too clever to do all the tricks, but it's your life” The end of. Poor and hateful


The most impressive plot is“ Wang Xifeng set up a lovesickness Bureau;. Jia Rui meets Wang Xifeng by chance in Ningguo garden. Wang Xifeng's words and deeds are frivolous. Wang Xifeng sees Jia Rui's mind but doesn't say it. Instead, he designs to make Jia Rui wait for one night in the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, and then he is punished by his grandfather Jia dairu. Later, Jia Rui didn't learn a lesson and came to Wang Xifeng. Wang Xifeng set up a bureau to tease Jia Rui with Jia Rong and Jia Qiang. At this point, Jia Rui became ill and could not be treated with drugs. Later, he was frightened by a skeleton in the mirror and then died of illness. After Wang Xifeng learned the news, there was no wave in her face. Although Jia Rui is greedy for beauty after all, it can be seen that Wang Xifeng is cruel and thoughtful


when Wang Xifeng took over the Ning mansion and took charge of the large and small affairs of the Ning mansion, he assigned tasks to the servants and performed their respective duties. His composition was also very strict with the servants. Someone was punished by Wang Xifeng for oversleeping. And let the girls kneel in the sun with magnetic tiles, and don't give tea and rice. Her sentence" I never believe in the retribution of hell. I can do whatever I say" It can be seen that in order to achieve its goal, it does everything by any means and plays with power in the hands of the shareholders


under Wang Xifeng's harsh treatment of Jia's family, most people except Jia's mother and Mrs. Wang resent her. His mother-in-law, Mrs. Xing, humiliated her in public and always valued her. Mrs. Wang questioned her aunt and her servants' monthly money, listened to Mrs. Xing's slander and criticized Wang Xifeng. Then she was exposed for collecting money and killing her life. She was sentenced to prison and abandoned by her husband Jia Lianxiu to Jinling's mother's house. When the Jia family declined, she and Baoyu waited for orders in the prison temple and met grandma Liu in the prison temple. Jia Qiaojie, her daughter, was sold to a brothel and was saved by grandma Liu. Wang Xifeng finally died short-lived


Throughout Wang Xifeng's life, she spent her whole life fighting for the arrogant“ Virtual power”, Can't see the good side of the world. Just a hateful and poor man who lost himself in feudal society


to say that she is hateful, she plans wholeheartedly, works step by step, works hard for money and power, and tries her best to murder money and life. To say that she is poor, in the feudal system and feudal ethics, as a woman, she desperately wants to control power and money in her own hands. He is very uncomfortable in life, but he should observe his words and colors, and finally become a victim of the feudal corruption system. In the end, it is only because of the cruelty of the society and the drive of inner desire that she has become a character that people love and hate. Poor, sad! Hateful and lamentable


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