

2022-07-05 04:06:07读后感285

Reading a book is a good thing, but on the thing that we always waste time in a few useless road, have that time, be inferior to reading bit of book more, go up nod knowledge. Read in on the meeting, a classmate was mentioned " 12 years old itinerary " this book. I answer recall abruptly I have had bought this book, search in mine below, I am eventually below the case found it.


12 years old, 12 years old, my silent is reading aloud this to leave me slowly far the age that go. 12 years old, what can you have itinerary? In curiosity drive below, I turned over this book.


The hero of this book is one is born in the United States, grown girl —— Mi Ya, her glib, and after be brought up, she has A Mei of another name —— again. This name and her have not seek the birthplace of the face to concern. Because of the parent's requirement, she heads for Vietnam, the grandma that accompanies her goes searching conceal old, the secret about the grandfather. Mi Ya is in when boarding a plane, the mood is inimical. She does not want to go Vietnam, be in obviously this summer vacation, she can go up in beach with the friend amuse oneself, by what be about to head for a completely new to her nation? Absurd, allergy lots and lots of in the brain that the term appears in her.


Passed period of time, mi Ya wrote a composition to get used to this country slowly. Old people every day busy terribly defeated, mi Ya realizes the force that can rely on his only will solve a problem. Then she and her friend A Wen begins exploration. Eventually, the clew that they discover everything points to this to seal the letter ” that “ belt does not walk along. Why to take away not? This sets next suspense again.


Original, this letter is in those days the —— of a word that the grandfather uses at present of simple and easy tool on the wall is fine each several rain misses you. Add up to submit a written statement to a higher authority, fine fine those who savour the love that this book brings is itinerary. The grandma is a speed passes 30 stride carsick person, and she sits this however plane, flew across half earth to search a grandfather. “ is fine each several rain misses your ” , the indicative grandfather longing to the grandma and love, also so a few words, stamp became medium my lachrymal dot. The thing that this book brings me has a lot of, have the knowledge to love, have the knowledge to friendship, also have pair of Vietnam the new knowledge of this country. Actually the life can have a lot of setbacks and cross, pass so much hardships only, ability can experience the glamour of the life from which.


Why can Mi Ya be willing to stay in Vietnam in novel ending? The simple style that may be Vietnam attracted her, also may be the friend that is in the United States makes she detests …… worth while and thoughtful.


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