

2022-07-08 06:02:04读后感411

I am being read recently " 100 thousand why " , among them " jump jump why can candy jump " unlock I in one's childhood an enigma.


Jump jump why can candy jump in mouth? It is to jump so jump structure of a lot of persnickety bubble is contained inside candy, there is carbon dioxide bleb of high pressure inside, should jump jump candy is completely cut off in bag change won't produce when air and moisture store, once will jump,jump candy is put in the mouth, the icing of its crust begins to melt, carbon dioxide bleb encounters saliva to be able to produce tiny explosion, generation bounce.


Remember eating for the first time in me jump jump candy when, my curious divulsion is packed, eat happily into the mouth, but should jump,jump when candy touchs the tongue that comes up against me, with respect to the bang in Pi the composition rang, frightened me jump, I hurry a mouth in jump jump candy all was spat, mom saw ask I say: Why did “ spit it? I say ” : “ this candy is bad! It explodes in my mouth! ” mom listened to laughing to say to me: “ this is to jump jump candy, arrived in the mouth resemble dancing same. Then I take ” again a packet of cautious ground is torn apart, closed the mouth to taste slowly into the mouth rise, jump as expected jump candy is be expert at resemble dancing in my mouth same, extremely wonderful. I do not understand what reason at that time, read this book now I knew eventually.


Jump jump although candy is delicious, very interesting also, but we also cannot eat more, because much meeting taking candy is right our tooth is bad.


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