

2024-06-18 02:14:06小学作文9






1. My Favorite Sport

My favorite sport is basketball. I like basketball because it is exciting and fun to play. I can run, jump, and shoot the ball to score points for my team. Basketball also helps me stay healthy and fit. My best friend plays basketball too, so we often play together after school. We both hope to join the school basketball team next year.

2. My Family

I have a big family. My family includes my mom, dad, one older brother, and two younger sisters. My mom is a teacher and my dad is an engineer. My older brother is in middle school, and my younger sisters are in kindergarten and first grade. We all live together in a nice house with a big backyard. On weekends, we often go to the park or the beach as a family. I love my family very much and feel lucky to have them.

3. A Trip to the Zoo

Last Saturday, my class went on a field trip to the zoo. We saw so many different animals, like lions, tigers, elephants, and monkeys. My favorite part was watching the monkeys swing from the trees. They were so funny and entertaining to watch. We also saw the zookeepers feeding the elephants. It was amazing to see how big and strong the elephants are. At the end of the trip, we visited the gift shop and I bought a stuffed animal to remember our fun day at the zoo.


上一篇:难忘的小学生活:点点滴滴中的成长历程 下一篇:从小培养孩子的航空情怀