

2022-07-30 12:03:05初三237


Next year some day of the setting sun falls, the awaken of spring is abundant, summerly night clear dream very, bright of feeling catch cold catch cold autumn meaning increases by degrees cold winter, circulating so all the year round, adieu the years of junior high school that I love truly, we create the Chun Xiaqiu winter that write down together.


First 3 it is the days that we go all out in work hard.


Those who look at blackboard to go up time, take an examination of in resemble driving intense horse to run quickly to me euqally. I am looking at the scenery outside the window, think back to to await our puerile cheek and the eyes that are full of a hope then temporarily at first again. The first day reports for duty, we will belong to our class, our classmaster king eaves, will let us loosen the mood and introduction with the speech with humor move him himself.


Junior high school 3 years, acid is sweet bitter happy metropolis is reflected, when we are tired, mr. Wang can resemble a bundle of light shining euqally we, he always is teaching us like a father. He won't resemble other teacher in that way, when the pupil does not learn, should pay no attention to without giving thought to, go abandoning him. Our king always won't forgo any student forever! When we make a mistake, he always can say " fasten study, what to still learn, you do not check high school! " but he always can look for after the event to we let us hard learn and encourage us, to us preach manages, let us know the advantage of study.


The classmates that try hard side-by-side together ah, should have held out these last paragraphs of time! To you, we are classmates not just, it is a friend more, also be family, hope everybody can try hard, in his domain Yi Yi is born brightness. Hold out this paragraph of time that in passing, takes an examination of, cold winter is again long, spring always can come. Must check oneself good high school. Such loops wear Chun Xiaqiu winter, beautiful Chun Xiaqiu winter, not be pure past form, however when present tense and future. I can wait for the peach blossom of all over the mountains and plains, can wait for the lotus of full Chi Yangong, can wait for chrysanthemum of autumn wind coolish, the snow such as the meeting presses the wintersweet of branch, can wait for us to be spent.


Scorching sun just, wind crosses Lin Sao. We are proper and junior when those. Junior high school lives only then at 2019, eventually 2022, but our story never ends. Although first the charm of 3 China had gone, but first 3 it is fight and warm blood completely unforgettable however, good-bye, my general ends first 3 days.


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