

2022-05-01 23:15:13高一451

The reason why the waterfall can flow down is that it has selected a breakthrough point in addition to its accumulation; The reason why a drop of water can penetrate a stone is that it has a clear goal in addition to its perseverance; The reason why the seed can thrive is that it has firm confidence except that it is moistened by spring rain; The reason why the two sculptures have different destinies is that they have chosen their own shape from the beginning, in addition to the carving of the carver. Therefore, fate is in your own hands


to control your own destiny is to live your own life


although Zhuangzi was indifferent to fame and wealth all his life, advocated self-cultivation and inaction, his heart was full of sadness, anger and despair about the state of the world at that time. From his philosophical appearance of retreat, indisputability and frankness, it can be seen that Zhuangzi was a person who had a strong love and hate for the real world. It was because the world was dirty that he retired; It is precisely because of the experience of Huang Que in the future that he stands aloof from the world; It is precisely because there is too much freedom in life that he emphasizes frankness. Chuang Tzu advocates spiritual freedom, advocates obedience to the laws of nature, peace of mind, attaches importance to the cultivation of internal virtue, and reveals a self-sufficient spiritual power


only when fate is under your control can you pursue a free and frank life


Tao Zhouming's original intention was to become an official. He despised officialdom and retired to pastoral poetry. His awakening, indifference to fame and wealth, leisure and freedom were his pursuit. He worked hard to practice pastoral poetry, and his true understanding of life was to write happily, know his destiny and pursue freedom. His pursuit of a simple and free life, together with his pursuit of freedom and practice of nature, has made him detached from nature; Nest”, A spiritual home. Tao Zhouming is beyond the times. He will always be a light to guard the pure land of the soul


if fate is in your own hands, you must seize the opportunity


“ Four heroes of the early Tang Dynasty; Wang Bo, one of them, has few wizards. He took Yousuke as a minor and was later recommended by Liu xiangdao to chaosanlang. At the age of 16, he served as a waiter in Peiwang's residence. In his twenties, he went to visit his father and passed Hongzhou. At that time, Du Yan had a big banquet at the newly built Tengwang Pavilion, and Wang Bo was also invited to attend the banquet. The governor of the cabinet had asked his son-in-law to make a preface in advance. However, in order to show his humility, he pretended to invite all the guests to write a preface. Everyone was modest and declined, but Wang Bo was impolite, raised his pen and waved his pride, and immediately wrote the preface and poem of King Teng Pavilion, which surprised everyone. Governor Yan read about steadiness“ Sunset clouds and solitary ducks fly together, and the autumn water is the same as the sky” He stood up from his seat in surprise and said:“ What a genius” "Preface to Tengwang Pavilion" has become a famous work handed down from ancient to modern times


the journey of life is not plain sailing. Adversity and frustration will often accompany us, but fate is in our own hands. As long as we can control our own destiny, we can finally harvest a wonderful life


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