

2022-05-02 09:20:01高一95

Travel thousands of miles and read thousands of books. When we walk on the long road of life, there are always some things that quietly affect our pace and whisper the true meaning of life. Just as Gorky regards books as indispensable teachers and friends in life, reading can make life richer and more wonderful


is it hard to study? It's really hard. In ancient times, there was a story of hanging a beam and stabbing a stock, and now there is“ Thousands of troops and horses cross the single wooden bridge” Layers of screening


when it comes to hanging a beam and stabbing stocks, I believe everyone will be familiar with it. Sun Jing went to Luoyang to study. He hung his hair on the beam and forced himself to wake up in pain. It was this hard study that made him a famous scholar in the state of Qin“ Prick the thigh” It is about the deeds of Su Qin. He learned the skill of uniting vertical and horizontal in Guiguzi, but he was not used for lobbying everywhere. This made him study harder. In order to drive away the sleepiness, he even poked his thigh with a hammer. When they set out to lobby the princes again, they all succeeded. They hung the seal of the six countries and were dignified


as a fellow townsman of Mr. Song Lian, a famous minister in the Song Dynasty, I regarded him as a model of hard work and success since childhood. Song Lian's family was poor when he was young, so he borrowed and copied books from wealthy families; Borrow it from a Book Collection House, take notes from yourself, and return it on a daily basis”. Defecate“ Carrying suitcases and dragging shoes in deep mountains and huge valleys&rdquo“ Chapped feet without knowing”, Just to find a better teacher to study. Even if“ The four branches are stiff and unable to move” Never give up. This is Song Lian's spirit of hard study and an important starting point from his official to prime minister


The ancients study hard, but the ancients also study hard. Enter high school, study the college entrance examination course during the day, and tutor the competition questions at night, not to mention the mountains of“ List of operations to be consolidated”. Until nightfall, every classroom in the school was still brightly lit. On each window, there are silhouettes of people buried in hard study


there are also weekly and monthly examinations, mid-term and final examinations, academic examinations and selective examinations. Examinations are staggered one after another, like a whip, forcing students to become spinning gyroscopes at high speed. Every achievement is a storm, one joy and one anger all hanging on the face of parents. In order not to be defeated by our classmates, to live up to the expectations and efforts of our parents and teachers, and to create our own future, we have been studying hard. So when you look back one day, you will find that you have learned a lot


the process is tortuous, but the result must be happy. Broaden your horizons and improve your literacy. Reading is not only hard, but also fun


reading pleasure? Really very happy. The old saying goes:“ The book has its own beauty like jade, and the book has its own golden house&rdquo“ All things are inferior, but reading is true;. Reading Journey to the west, we know that the monkey king is the heart, the Tang monk is the body, the pig Bajie is the lust of human composition, the sand monk is human nature, and the white dragon horse is human will&hellip… It tells us that we should constantly overcome our hearts and demons on the road of life, and finally obtain the Scriptures and achieve life. We read the Three Kingdoms and worshipped Zhuge Liang. We were afraid of being overwhelmed by his miraculous plans, such as burning red cliff, empty city plan, six out of Qi Mountain, straw boat borrowing arrow and so on; When we read the water margin, we will realize the noble righteousness and bravery of Wusong Jingyanggang, fighting and killing XiMenqing, drunkenly beating Jiang Menshen, splashing blood on the mandarin duck building, and eliminating the evil centipede ridge. It's really fascinating to open a book in the dead of night and start a journey of joy or sorrow


As Su Shi wrote in the tune of the water song head,“ People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has a full moon;, The same is true of reading. Reading will suffer and feel happy. The philosopher told me that reading must be after experiencing the conditions of suffering. If it is also bitter, it is joy. Joy must go through pain. This is the realm of bitterness and joy of reading


as Qian Zhongshu said,“ The real pleasure of reading is coffee without sugar. You can taste sweetness in bitterness. Bitterness is really the lure of the pleasure of reading” Yes, people all know that reading is bitter. However, the bitter the taste, the more exciting it will be. The bitter the taste, the more profound it will be. Those who can learn the heavy beat, sing songs, and pursue the joy of suffering really understand the true meaning of hard study


the ancients took pain for pleasure, but now middle school students say pain. Why? be anxious to achieve quick success and get instant benefits. Most students only pay attention to reading textbooks, but do not pay attention to extracurricular reading. They only pay attention to examination results, but not to physical and mental perception. Over time, reading in this way will only feel boring, withered and bitter


If today's middle school students want to achieve this highest level, they must first forget the hardship. The ancients studied hard, which was the main tone. They enjoyed this rather than that. Nowadays, most people are eager for quick success and instant benefit, and most of them are sad. As a scholar, why is there such a big contrast and different mood. Therefore, adjusting the mood of reading is an urgent matter


If we take books as sails and a good state of mind as the wind that provides us with power, then we can enjoy the sea of books, and our life will be able to see thousands of miles, think for thousands of years, travel thousands of feet and concentrate on eight poles. Taste the broad spirit of knowledge in books, cultivate the elegance and appropriateness of self-cultivation in books, expand the world of vision in books, and cultivate the methods and principles of doing things in books. This is the highest state of the bitterness and joy of reading


“ Tranquility is far away”, Calm down, read with love, read with heart, feel the joy of reading more, understand Homer and Kant, know Confucius and Lao Zhuang&hellip… The most beautiful thing is that through suffering and happiness, our personality has been improved and our thoughts have been sublimated, so we can set sail for a long journey


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