

2023-02-04 18:34:03节日作文545

Kingly decision should hold phoneticize country a royal congratulatory meeting. One big early, people begins the fall forward of phoneticize country trim a floor board, clear away the floor spotless.


Catch the mood of congratulatory meeting for noisy, king calls up phoneticize country a lot of officers and soldiers people decorate an assembly room. Some officers and soldiers are blowing a balloon, some officers and soldiers are brushing glass, some officers and soldiers are in to lay the table, return some officers and soldiers to be worn in preparation delicate and goluptious food. The king that has phoneticize kingdom only is in comfortably leisurely his seat top grade is worn tea, admiring adornment, expecting congratulatory meeting to begin earlier.出自 wwW.zuoWEnBA.nEt


Suddenly, full-court is silent, the elephant header of the village is taking a companion to going toward palace hall. They pay a formal visit respectfully kingly. Phoneticize king aloud says: "Today, I ask you to come, because you are a country all the year round,be effectiveness, ad hoc is celebrated meeting in order to express gratitude. " king just said phoneticize state, some animals begin to instigate the food that chooses oneself to like most, some animals speak of a word with the animal on the side, some animals however absolutely still, if be thought of somewhat. Of course phoneticize National Day wishs to meet give priority to a problem with phoneticize, the purpose lets everybody understand the main effect of phoneticize, phoneticize is the foundation that knows a Chinese character, learn a Chinese character to be about to begin to learn from phoneticize. Phoneticize National Day wishs to be met inside of Wu government office chair issue those who began formal diversity to guess phoneticize, write phoneticize, grab answer the game of phoneticize, amuse king unexpectedly belly laugh. Whole hall does not have the forbidding former days, people loosens the mood, occasion be in harmony of its Le Rong.


Good time always is brief, those present people spent an unforgettable congratulatory meeting, phoneticize country is kingly and extremely happy.


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