

2022-12-14 16:49:10六年级112

Speak of expert good fun, I also must admire my skill sometimes, nevertheless sometimes carelessness also can have when making mistake. My expert good fun is " 3 action carry watermelon. My expert good fun is " 3 action carry watermelon..


3 action carry watermelon go to school from the net, training course transcends trouble. Good for practice 3 action carry watermelon to look, pat, listen to 3 unique skill, I been buyinging a few watermelon downstairs. It is unsuccessful at the beginning, but these money also cannot be wasted for nothing, be forced each is eaten off.


Once, I go in the school spring outing, took for a long time, sit to rest, everybody is tired hungry thirsty. A classmate says: "Look, that has big watermelon to sell, I will buy! " hear this, I think of to watermelon can be carried very much before me, then I call that fellow student at once, say: "I and you buy watermelon together, this can be me be good at. This can be me be good at..


Go that, that classmate sees big round big watermelon is about to bury sheet, I prevent him immediately, say: "Carry watermelon so a bit skill also is done not have, still must be I come. " above all, I carried a watermelon skin color to shine, grain tendril of orderly, melon is fresh and bent watermelon. Next, I pat watermelon with the hand, listen to watermelon to give out depressing " Peng Peng " sound, buy decided this big watermelon, additional two such also.


After buying watermelon, ground of my too impatient to wait washs clean melon skin, incision will eat, holding fruit knife, I can't help insecurity rises, in case it is white, that is fie-fie. I watermelon knife gently everything, watermelon instant splits, show red melon meat. The classmate saw highly praise me in succession, this watermelon is really sweet satisfy one's thirst. The 2nd watermelon is same also, went to the 3rd, before two are successful, the 3rd watermelon my confidence is full, I gently everything, did not open, I cut watermelon to just be opened forcibly, everybody looks, this watermelon is ripe sodden, look the technology is insufficient still, return so that continue to drill.


Learning us to also want at ordinary times serious, cannot resemble carrying watermelon same carelessness, this often is the reason that make mistake.


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