

2022-10-27 05:31:03四年级166

Walk in Luoyang city, suddenly an autumn wind is blown. I see the men and women on the ave can'ts help thinking of the parents of home town. I plan to return one is written to them in the home epistolary send the past, write on paper to their longing do not write. The person that sends a letter came I gave him the letter, should go when what send a letter when, I obtained the letter again, have a look at the place that what has to omit in the letter. The person that sends a letter still gave the letter again after I looked, still say to him: “ did not lose the letter, should keep well it till the parents that gives me it. ”


The following day, the dress has been worn after I wake, go cooking with respect to preparation. at this time somebody will knock, I open the door to look is to sent the person of the letter to come, he gave my letter to leave. Parental letter in reply is after I am opened, say they are well off in the letter, cross a composition a few days / come back to see me. I hear they wanted to come the mood is very glad. I arrived market bought a lot of dish and pork, let us one child well get together, I still bought father to love drunk wine most.


In the evening, I think of parents will be about to come tomorrow, sleep to be not worn. Long night went so. I wait before the door the 3rd day in the morning, two people that see far go closer more, my mood is more excited, see they came, I run to help them take a thing at once. Arrived in the home, I and mother had done big meal, the edge chats to have a meal by the side of us, child reuniting is how happy, time passes really quickly! So fast they are about, before facing, I took a lot of things to still say to them to them: Take care on “ road, I also can see you more, I the friends that I still can take me. ”


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