

2022-05-15 20:47:44五年级212

Annual the 2nd of May Sunday is mother's day. Mother's day, just as its name implies, it is a mother people festival. The mother's day this year was on May 8, what should we say for our mother?


Someone can say: "Send a few bundles of carnation, because the beautiful words of carnation is: I love mom you. " nevertheless, a lot of years old mother does not know this what beautiful words, send carnation it doesn't matter is actually practical meaning composition justice. Still have, some people send carnation is to want to be thankful really oneself mother, some people just want to pat according to, send trends of a friend circle, QQ, small perhaps gain, him show off is very filial just...


I think: Be thankful mother, we can do have a lot of, for instance: Side mom is kneaded rub a shoulder, beat beat a back, pour a cup of water to mom, to mom one smiles... actually, bag of photograph comparing flower, cake, dress, bag waits these gifts a moment, mother more the company that those who care is children actually. They want not how, there should be her in children heart only, satisfied, so simple.


We these become young man and woman, can mix to the consideration of a few stranger sometimes help bear in mind constantly, right however of the mother pay silently pay no attention... probably the get one's own back that mother love does not need us, but as children, whether should we often meditate oneself? Years differs person, be thankful mother, not be to be in only mother's day this day; Be thankful mother, we should fall each days in really daily life more...


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