

2022-08-04 08:03:05五年级452


Chairman Mao Zedong has said: “ can not eat one day it is OK to become aware one day does not sleep, proviso cannot be not read one day. I just saw ” today a book, one of 4 big famous book " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " this book, a good book is just as saw a good movie, let me touch weep, even together of thoughts or recollections flashing across one's mind.


" historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " medium so meticulous that showed last years of a dynasty or reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world big chaos, a large number of heroes rises, the emperor of northward nip of Cao Cao " in order to make vassal ” , annihilation Yuan carry on, after Yuanshu, unite the Huanghe valley, holding Central Plains belt; Liu Bei ask ab. to take up a resposible post repeatedly. Cao of couplet Wu Kang, sichuan is held after the battle of Chibi; Dong Liujun of Jiang Dongsun Dujiang 81 states stand firm calcaneal, to Sun Quan times actual strength is more powerful and prosperous. Next, the situation of tripartite confrontation of the Three Kingdoms is to form. War situation of the Three Kingdoms is pulled open, east city of sneak attack chaste tree, guide Guan Yu flees Mai Cheng, was in to death on Lv Meng hand. After Cao Cao is dead, its child Cao Pi is abandoned Chinese free-standing, build Wei Guo. Liu equipment afterwards Chinese all, build the kingdom of Shu Han. After this, to declare at customs feather enemy, liu Bei asks for Jiang Dong in person, the result is defeated by Liu Xun. After Liu Bei is dead, buddhist of composition of Liu of Zhu Geliang assist a ruler in governing a country is final in army of die in one's bed, most stone the Three Kingdoms is unified, became the Western Jin Dynasty. Emerge in large numbers character of numerous all-powerful hero, be like the Zhu Geliang of wonderful foresight, munificent Liu Bei …… of Ren De

《 三国演义》中的细致得展现了东汉末年,天下大乱,群雄并起,北方的曹操"挟天子以令诸侯”,歼灭袁绍,袁术之后,统一黄河流域,占据着中原地带;刘备三顾茅庐。联吴抗曹,赤壁之战之后占据四川;江东孙氏杜江东六郡八十一州站稳了脚跟,到孙权时代实力更强盛。然后,三国鼎立之势是形成。三国战局拉开,东吴偷袭荆州,导到关雨败走麦城,并死在了吕蒙手上。曹操死后,其子曹丕废汉自立,建立魏国。刘备继汉统,建立蜀汉。此后,为了报关羽之仇,刘备亲征江东,结果被陆逊打败。刘备死后,渚葛亮辅佐刘作文禅最后病死军中,最石三国统一,变成了西晋。涌现了众多叱咤风云英雄人物,如神机妙算的诸葛亮,宽宏仁德的刘备……

Among them the person that I like most is Guan Yu, he is one, the arm is toxic arrow. Hua Tuo will treat, want incision arm to blow bone cure poison. Among them his is old, eat the flesh to drink, play chess, a bit on the face does not have bitter description, with him the officer horse fine of play chess also is not borne. The car states this is unripe, had not seen so brave person, I hit a needle repeatedly very fear, and there is anaesthetic when he blows an arm, flesh rift, he resembles doing not have a thing same, not throat, what admire her really is brave with adamancy.


Still once, he is in Cao Ying, cao Cao delivers treasures everyday, he does not want, 3 days of one small banquet, 5 days of one great dinner, he did not stay here, should make visit to the message that his eldest brother Liu has only, taking two sister-in-law go to somewhere for shelter instantly eldest brother of his go to somewhere for shelter went, he is so serious situation is weighed justice.


Guan Yu is really loyally, I learn to him, historical novel of the Three Kingdoms " make my results rich, comprehend quite deep.


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