

2022-09-19 08:31:03五年级420


Equestrian ear mountain is located in Shenyang south outskirt, those who have ” of the first peak austral “ Shenyang say. My early listens the person says picture of equestrian ear mountain is pretty, I have an opportunity to admire the beautiful scenery of equestrian ear mountain eventually today!


My ascend crosses the long Bai Shan with white pure white snow, also had visited continuous fluctuant 1000 hill. Had never witnessed the Ma Er hill of different of this hill strange water however. The appearance it may be said of equestrian ear mountain is peculiar, look at far unpluggingly and case however continuous fluctuant mountain range, be just as fluctuant great waves, the camel …… that seem runs comes to next looking up at to the foot of a hill, this one hill is like again a Ma Er, right now I just understand why this calls “ Ma Er hill ” suddenly. The color it may be said of equestrian ear mountain is strange beautiful, the green that scan widely looks at eyeful has bright, have dark, have deep, have shallow, resemble immaculate halcyon, the wild flower that glittering and translucent lapidary …… makes what the person is adorning multicoloured among the green of relaxed and happy in this, aflame with colour, pink is like …… of glow, Bai Ruxue so much appearance, so enchanting!


I swim the composition has seen horizontal glassy west lake, the sea …… that also has seen unfolding on a magnificent scale loves the chute of equestrian ear mountain alone however. The chute of equestrian ear mountain, both neither is grand not grand also, but swift and violent huge likes the flow of water of chute a Bai Long is rolling, gallopping; The water fine dirt of chute is not caught, so clear that can see the Sha Shi of benthic; The water of chute 1000 appearance 100 condition, splash down leaves will be like flying, be like broken jade; Diffuse to be like smoke, be like mist, misty, as if condition of place oneself Yu Xian. At this moment I am kneaded in spite of oneself rub an eye, illumination viewing this world is on chute, on chute basket went up gauze of a gold, plaint uncontrollably: This is the beautiful scenery that sees inaccessibly really!

我游作文览过水平如镜的西湖,也见过波澜壮阔的大海……却独爱马耳山的瀑布。马耳山的瀑布,既不雄伟也不壮观,但是瀑布的水势迅猛浩大犹如一条白龙 翻滚着、奔腾着;瀑布的水纤尘不染,清澈得可以看见水底的沙石;瀑布的水千姿百态,溅落开来如飞花,似碎玉 ;弥漫开来如烟,如雾,迷迷蒙蒙 ,仿佛置身于仙境。这时我不由自主揉揉眼睛,看阳光照在瀑布上,瀑布上又笼上了一层金纱, 情不自禁感叹:这真是难得一见的美景呀!

Such water around move such hill, such hill is foiling such water, deserve to go up again thin thin the dense fog that is like smoke, the Qing Quan that gurgle makes sound, let you feel resembling was to walk into a continuous and ceaseless picture scroll really, pardonable the person that will cross equestrian ear mountain is profuse in praise to this. This beautiful scenery can call really is enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person!

这样的水围绕着这样的山,这样的山衬托着这样的水,再配上 薄薄似烟的迷雾,淙淙作响的清泉,真让你感觉像是走进了一幅连绵不断的画卷,难怪来过马耳山的人都对此赞不绝口。这美景可真谓是让人流连忘返呀!(文/王梓萌)

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