

2022-09-22 13:31:03五年级547


The profession is the mark of one individual trend society, the profession is the road that a person leads to a success, the profession is teenager of a muddled ideal to prospective happiness.


Everybody has an ideal profession in the heart, my ideal profession is the doctor when a cure the sickness to save the patient. When in one's childhood every time falls ill, what can feel the doctor is special is great, can cure the sickness to save the patient, no matter oneself are ill how, the doctor can cure. Thenceforth rises, I had a dream that becomes a doctor, try hard for it.


I am having definite advantage in study respect. Above all, what my biology class learns is very good, this has very great help to the doctor is become after me. Next, my maths also relatively before leaning, this also is having huge to promote action to my ideal. The science department result that still having is me is general and right, before the rank on the class leans, the rational thought that says me so also is more pretty good.


Write a composition in nature field / I also am having definite advantage. Above all, I encounter a thing relatively sober, can observe condition of one runner band first, consider casuse and effect, think again carefully how to should do next next. Next, I am in when encountering a few sudden situations won't too too flurried, insecurity is excessive, meet however sharper reaction comes, make a choice next, how should do, and put into practice quickly. Still having is me to a few relatively bloody the picture bears capability is stronger, this becomes a doctor to me also is helpful.


Finally, to ideal profession, I should send myself 4 words: Did not fail on one of this worlds, won't do momently only result; Secondly, change oneself, it is the first condition that changes the world, change oneself first only, just change the world likely; Thirdly, the change depends on the action, put into practice to just can be harvested somewhat only; Its 4 should try hard to maintain to the advantage, and should do his best to inferior position rise.


上一篇:我的座右铭作文700字 下一篇:老师,我想对你说作文300字