

2022-09-29 01:39:14五年级481


Drugs, one is wrapping around light is bright beautiful the devil of the green-faced and long-toothed-terrifying in appearance of appearance, a kill people like flies, cruel and evil executioner, one may let be infected with on its person all day long eats and drink go whoring is betted, inactive the …… of a gang of scoundries that avoids the world is chained and thrown into prison even however, these harms still are an iceberg only one horn.


Drugs, always wrapping around it looks then be like “ fancy-free ”“ is lovely …… of the ” , icing —— pill that makes a person dazzling, beverage, snacks makes a person in that covet the unbeknown interior of the “ icing ” of 3 feet, it is to make a person be tasted only then however can drop into abyss readily and cannot the ” of “ artillery shell with the vast power of extricate oneself,


A healthy person, once catch drugs, what he can be immersed in drugs is sloughy and cannot extricate oneself, cause the harm on spirit, psychology, body: The psychogenic disorder such as illusory, excited, depressed, suicide, can cause the disease of the body, the AIDS of the become terror-stricken at the news making a person that is like ” of killer of century of ”“ of super cancer of the “ that be called. More serious is to participate in peddle poison, as a result thes family broke up, cause huge harm to family, society. Cannot set his mind at to work for instance or read seriously, cannot live well, cannot cast off drug addiction all one's life likely, can be in only frosty what a window with iron grating or poison of Buddhist monastic discipline spend the remainder of one's life, waste the good prospect of life.

一个健康的人,一旦染上毒品,他就会陷入毒品的泥沼而无法自拔,造成精神、心理、身体上的危害:产生幻觉、兴奋、抑郁、自杀等心理障碍,会造成身体的疾病, 如被称为“超级癌症”“世纪杀手”的令人闻风丧胆的艾滋病。更严重的是参与贩毒,以致家破人亡,对家庭、社会造成极大的危害。比如不能安心工作或认真读书,不能好好生活,有可能一辈子摆脱不了毒瘾,只能在冷冰冰的的铁窗或戒毒所度过余生,浪费人生的美好前程。

“ drug taking readily, drop tiger's mouth-jaws of death. ” really, drugs can pull the person next abyss. Our country also knows very well the harm of drugs, gu Youlin criterion smoke of gunpowder of Xu tiger door, have arrest poison today alarm life-and-death fights. In / of our China composition, arrest poisonous police not at all inferior the China that at period of that War of Resistance Against Japan the Japanese army bathed in blood with advanced line battlefield and roaring the force with which sth breaks out fights bravely is legionary. Ban poisonous action extremely urgent. Arrest poisonous police guards a pass in border land rigor, put an end to the drugs outside the condition to enter our country, father in home dozen, severe check drugs, absolutely not be irresolute when firmness is needed, increase the propagandist strength that drugs compromises, the whole people participates in understanding drugs, boycott drugs! The action that prohibit toxin also is in nearly we at the moment. The activity prohibiting toxin on safe platform, the conduct propaganda prohibiting toxin of the school, society, and that fire alls over great river north and south " Mekong acts " caution of …… all without exception is worn our adolescent treasures life, be far from drugs.


Which have “ what years is static good, it is the travel before somebody is replacing you to load only. Ground of blood of with one one's heart of ” country drop prohibits toxin, publicize drugs harm, boycott drugs, be to want to make next our young generation healthy grow? So, for our ambitious future, we are opposite good longing of future, we are right the wonderful dream of this the boundless universe, face the heavy ” that this “ life cannot bear, we should establish bottom line consciousness, reject undesirable temptation, increase to accuse force oneself ceaselessly. Do not suck the first stoutly, do not let curiosity make esteem. In the meantime, want to be brave in to make a fight with black vicious power, if somebody peddles poison, answer to be reported in time to public security mechanism, extinguish the live cinders kept for starting a new fire of this crime. Also want to remind the person beside at the same time, let they and us be far from drugs together, “ lets drugs the whole world from us is transient ” .


So, treasure life, be far from drugs. What drugs —— life cannot bear is heavy.


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