

2022-09-29 14:38:12五年级483


There are a lot of models beside me, arduous teacher, laborious worker …… but make me most the cleaner that of admire is altruistic dedication, they are the good example in my heart.


Early morning, still be when people in sleep, the dustman had begun to work.


One day in the morning, I go on the road that go to school, encountered a cleaner, he is shovelling rubbish outside from dustbin, that is pungent odour is mawkish. But cleaner still works so vigorously. Then, I take a composition / asked him in the past: Uncle “ , you give the job that returns late early everyday, not tired? Why to change a bit more comfortable job? ” he laughs to me, whats did not say, went away, I am very bemused, knowing him is to not be willing to still do not know how to explain to me, after this, I every encounter cleaner, brain often emerges this problem, before I do not have courage to go up again, can ask.


Until one day, I wait for mom in supermarket doorway, see a cleaner crouchs that to clear with scoop the dense of the ground dirties. She is so serious, so careful, she is not a smeary, broken wastepaper that clears, famous mucous wait for careful caboodle to be in roadside, the pedestrian of careful escape come and go. One place clears, change one place to continue to clear, dip in with the brush even sometimes water scrub, the whole thing examination, reach till place of line of sight cannot see a bit smear. Had not known how long, she stood slowly, I am guessed, her leg crouchs hemp certainly. She is in ability to walk of place activity activity, hoping to recover neat ground, she laughed, laugh so happily!


My heart warms suddenly, when the work that sees oneself when you can bring joy to the person, oneself also can feel happier certainly. I think, this is they are not had complain the reason that gives without regret!


上一篇:好书精选作文500字五年级 下一篇:关于建党100周年的征文