

2022-10-02 21:39:15五年级295


I am a Mo Mei, wang Mian says so: “ does not want person boast good color, leave Qing Dynasty to enrage Man Qiankun only. ” will praise us these simple Chinese ink plums.


I am the beautiful delegate in the winter; I am spring begins final emissary; I also am that is the firmest in the winter indicative. I, although Mo Mei is so high without tulip, gorgeous in that way without the rose, I am pure in that way without lotus also, but I am the heroic “ fellow ” in the flower. I can live below wintry day snow, often say like people: “ sword sharp edge go out from go through the mill, wintersweet is sweet come from bitter cold. ” is in cold in that way winter, there also is spring like us like exuberant, that kind has moral courage.


Resemble such, we spent ourselves another life, in the picture, I am indicative nobleness; In wintry day, I am indicative adamancy. Mao Zedong praises us with hopeful creed spirit, liu You praises us with the line of dreariness and sadness. Although, we spend in that way character without other, but the moral integrity that we are preserving us, we won't go backwards because of that terrible hail, we also won't abandon because of that chill. Heavy snow in succession, how many person is there so can heroic like us?


No matter wind bully snow is pressed, no matter heavy snow flies violently, no matter cold wind blows desolate. We won't lower our head to devil, this is the hero that wants in the flower!


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