

2022-10-05 11:36:10五年级448


In ancient time, zheng state-owned individual, we call him Zheng Ren.


One day, zheng Ren's mom came, say: “ son, daughter, the day after tomorrow is the day of get married of your little sister, you can want to dress up well dress up. Especially son, your shoe, so broken, go buying a pair! Can not make me humiliating that day! ” Zheng Ren says: “ is at ease, mom, I won't make you disappointed! ” says, their mom went.


Zheng Ren says to his wife: You go to “ the dress that carries a suit to had better look, I also carry a suit dress, go buying a pair of new shoe again. ” wife says: Then you go to “ rapidly buy, fasten by accident important matter! ”“ is at ease be at ease, I will go early in the morning tomorrow, do not finish sth by accident. You help me measure gage to pile up first. ” wife helps Zheng Ren carefully estimate good size, zheng Ren is put by the bed along with handgrip measures, go bathing slept.


The following day early in the morning, zheng Ren gets up go buying a shoe. He goes to the front of a stall, passerby armour says: “ Zheng Ren, you is this to work? ” Zheng Ren replies: I go to “ buy shoe, passing a few days is the day that my little sister gets married, I must be worn a bit more beautiful. ” says, zheng Ren continues to go ahead. Armour of person of passerby second satisfy the need, third, man says: “ can he shop? Really funny. ” passerby third says: “ is, and extremely as difficult as his deal. ” passerby man says: What “ earns is not much also. ” says, everybody laughs.


Zheng Ren walks into shoemaker, shoemaker boss says: “ oh, what wind blows you? ” Zheng Ren says: “ I am to buy shoe, pass a few days, the day that is get married of my little sister, I should dress up beautiful dot. ” shoemaker boss says: “ Where is your measures? ” Zheng Ren feels a body, say: “ was over, my composition / measures is dropped be in the home. Slept last night, my conveniently puts it by the bed, forgot to take. ”


“ is irrespective, will your person do not go? Will try! ” boss holds an one pile shoe in the arms.


Zheng Ren is regressive two paces, say at once: “ need not need not, how is my base potential more accurate than measures? I go back take measures to go! ” boss shakes his head, say: I wait for “ here you, you are answered quickly quickly. ” boss heart thinks: Really foolish, the person came, come home even take size!


Zheng Ren returned the home, the wife looks at Zheng Ren, ask: Do you forget “ take size? ” seeks the response side measures by the side of Zheng Ren: “ is ah be! ” wife is urgent, say: Then you go to “ quickly! Do not let a family wait urgent, went. ”


Zheng Ren is taking size, run to shoemaker rapidly. At this moment, he just encounters man of third of passerby armour second again. Passerby armour tells Zheng Ren: “ Zheng Ren, you need not go, shoemaker boss waited for two time, left. He says you are too slow, if or else day coming home is black. ”


Zheng Ren listened, can crestfallen ground is homeward in go. Zheng Ren returns the home, the wife saw him, know he did not buy a shoe, what to say.


The following day, their mom came, hear Zheng Ren did not buy a shoe, say angrily: “ are you buy a shoe early greatly? How can be you bought? ” Zheng Ren told mother the land of process in full detail that buys a shoe, mom says: “ you ah you, really foolish, why need not the foot goes trying, come home even take what size! Do not have method, the hutch after you are forced to be in helped. ”


This story tells us, work should learn flexible, cannot obstinate at formalist decision, want to apply all sorts of methods to solve a problem neatly.


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