

2022-10-06 02:31:03五年级548


“ day! I have 105 jins actually! ” station is saying I of heavy stage am astonied, did not think of oneself unexpectedly these a few months weighed more than 10 jins actually. My heart thinks: Be no good, I cannot again so fat went down, I must want to reduce weight! Father appears detection my idea, smilingly ground says to me: “ daughter, if you think the word that reduce weight, we will go to peninsula park implementing plan reducing weight tomorrow, how? I listened to ” , agreed none hesitantly.


The following day early in the morning, we took circle of skip, part of speech, shuttlecock to set out. Went to peninsula park, I ask father with respect to ground of too impatient to wait: “ father, what is the first of plan reducing weight? ”“ first skip 100. ” father is incompact reply slow. “ ? So much! ” alas, do not have method, to reduce weight, I am forced toughen one's scalp-brace oneself agreed. Who expects, I just just jumped a few times, speed comes down gradually slow, breath also becomes more and more difficult, I am tired sweating. Do not hold to really, so tired that sit on the ground, I say breathlessly to father: “ I again also, also did not want to reduce weight again, be too tired really, we, we come home! Ground of ” father sincere words and earnest wishes says to me: “ daughter, do a thing to write a composition / cannot quit, want to have patient, perseverance, will, such ability had done the business, achieve oneself goal. Reducing weight also is such, since you want to reduce weight, that is about to hold to after all, do you want to turn ‘ into ’ of old fat old woman? ” my heart thinks: Father says very reasonably, I must unremitting, cannot make father disappointed! Then I say seriously to father: “ father, I have a break to begin to reduce weight! ” father sees the look that I vow solemnly one pair, to me vertical stroke had thumb.


I catch skip, father is in cheer for me aside encourage, I am invigorated, went up to have power immediately personally, jump more and more quickly. “97, 98, 99, 100! Daughter, you were accomplished! ” I am very excited. The project later was finished easy to doly by me, father is continuously ground boast more I, my heart resembled eating honey euqally sweet, of very pleased with oneself.


Reduce weight through this, make me clear: Work must not quit, want to have the mind of constant effort brings success however, alleged “ loves meeting spelling ability to win ” , insist to be able to succeed. I also believe, as long as I am much exercise, much insist to take exercise, insist to reduce weight, always have a day, I am met certainly thin those who come down!


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