

2022-10-14 05:32:05五年级513

Du Fu is very busy, very busy really, open motor to ride Bai Ma, watermelon sells after sending water, du Fu, illustration of textbook of a common Chinese, the doodle that is tried to be unique by the netizen unexpectedly becomes Du Fu very busy series, make great, the poetic emperor of respect making a person became the clown of comical absurdity.


Du Fu, this a favourite by sb in power is born without maths, below the netizen's creation, became sharp-shooter, send water work, muscle male, fill basket ace, doctor, preterhuman wait for peculiar figure, but what did not change all the time is Du Fu, the eyes of his that melancholy and Leng Jun's thoughtful appearance.


Through the netizen's doodle, justing one's life experience of little hill wild Laodu is bleak, erudite much ability, care nation concern civilian, the historical figure with exalted character overturns completely. Such doodle, it is pair of Du Fu, of this great poet do not respect, be traditional to China culture more is irreverent!


Nowadays, du Fu walked into the life of people already completely, before come to people, the person that connects least culture also knows Du Fu, and the Du Fu in their eye is not the flower when that ” feels splash a tear, the ” of ” Shi Sheng that hates ” of heart of the Jing that fasten a bird; Not be that ” slips into night along with wind, benefit other people is fine breathed composition / the talent of ” ; Either that ” immensity falls below Mu Xiao desolate, billow of endless the Yangtse River comes the tourist of ” ; Not be that “ can be become approach is zenithal, the hero of small ” of general view numerous hill; Not be that “ is installed widely more between mansion ten million, shelter greatly the world is cold person all smiles happily the patriotic poet of ” ! The Du Fu in their eye, it is one gets the person that laugh nevertheless!


Once the Parnassus Great Master that elegance and talent uniques among his contemporaries, be reduced to poverty arrives now pace of this and other places, his effigies does not get person respect, already was a Bei cool, more what is more,the rather that, his unborn offspring takes his effigies to do the thing of beguiling recreation unexpectedly!


A nation wants inheritance, this nation must have his distinctive culture, a nation wants powerful, want to revitalize, with respect to the culture that must respect oneself.


What Yu Dafu says no less than, “ does not have the nation that great figure appears, be the saddest live thing on the world group, had great person, and do not know to support, love and esteem, esteem the country that admire, it is the state that does not have hopeful slave. ” so, we do not make Du Fu again busy, we should respect a great person, respect the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, this also is esteem ourselves.


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