

2022-11-02 06:31:04五年级531

Our home came to today special " guest " .


Be in when I am writing line of business in the morning, abrupt one noise, I and brother elder sisters ran out, ground of our all with one voice writes a composition the ground says: "What thing? " my little brother looks, be a birdie so! I and elder brother, elder sisters are very happy.


At this moment, my brother says: "I want to hold this young bird. " then the little brother turned several rounds, just catch this birdie, my brother says: "Go, the storehouse squirrel cage is taken, " I ask a little brother why you want a hamster basket to give take, the brother says; "I should put the bird in the storehouse in squirrel cage. " I agreed, I take basket, the little brother lets me wash basket again, I give this hamster basket seriously wash clean, next my little brother puts the bird inside.


But discuss through, my brother elder sister says to want a nature of this bird replace, we happen to coincide the ground agreed. The little brother that sees me only holds the bird in both hands in control, we begin to time " 3, 2, one. " birdie flew from the little brother's control instantly, look at birdie to be flown across more far, our sister a few, look cannot refrain fromingly to the other side, dou Lou gave satisfactory smile.


Carry this responsibility, I want to appeal everybody: Must cherish an animal, do not limit the freedom of the animal.


上一篇:懂事又调皮的弟弟作文600字 下一篇:五年级上册第四单元作文二十年后的家乡