

2022-11-07 23:09:36五年级501

If say Chinese heart is Beijing, so the heart of Beijing is the Imperial Palace.


Beijing the Imperial Palace is existent scale is the largest on the world, save most whole woodiness structure ancient structure group one of. The Imperial Palace says again " Forbidden City " , it is bright Qing Dynasty two acting royal palace, cover an area of an area to have 720 thousand square metre about.


The beauty of the Imperial Palace, the United States is being built. The main building of the Imperial Palace is too with the hall, counteract hall and protect and hall, call " before toward 3 audience hall " . Too say with hall common " emperor's audience hall " , it is the place that Ming Qinghuang emperor holds ceremony, also be the dimensions inside Forbidden City the biggest, the structure with top grade.


Counteract hall and protect and the hall is the main building on the axes in Forbidden City, in Ming Jiajing year an experience fire, pay equal attention to long. "Counteract " take from " The Book of Rites -- middle " , means everything should accomplish impartial, appropriate, ability makes each relation is able to mix suitable. Protect and the hall is located in counteract bring up the rear, plane shows a rectangle, it is the building of Yi Dian of a Yi Gong. "Protect and " , " too and " , " counteract " mutual echo, core idea is to maintain harmonious ability long period of order and stability.


The beauty of the Imperial Palace, the United States is in literary quotation. Bai Wenzhu having Liu just was mixed 36 days 72 ground evil spirit protective emperor city, ma Dechun repairs 9 dragon wall to wait for a lot of stories, gifted for the Imperial Palace distinctive glamour.


The beauty of the Imperial Palace, the endless, aftertaste of view is boundless. Of the Imperial Palace grand and grand, the tourist that attracting all corners of the land comes round to view and admire.


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