

2022-11-08 00:00:15五年级294

Everybody has his beloved thing. The beloved content that I will come to tell me -- the story of dinosaurian doll.


This dinosaurian doll is me an inn in be being carried meticulously in tens of home doll inn, of one in hundred single out him come.


At sight of he, my Jing. The banana that it has whiteness tooth, but also did not feel piece fierce and cruel. Two small claw, more those who added it is lovely. The skin of that bottle green, it he shines suddenly suddenly in forest. It grows long tail then, saying it seems that: "Do not come over, I am very fierce. " it sparkles then bright bright big eye, have a person to suffer in observation it seems that bully. Its unlike is other and dinosaurian, have lightsome body, conversely it has heavy the lower part of the body.


Once it was missing. The ground jumps below the leap up on me whole house search also did not find me. My heart seems to hit upon more than 100 small bunny, skip those who skip jump to jump. My hand begins to sweat, my body becomes sensitive, my foot begins to shake... I crouch, very self-condemned. Zheng Xi yuan ah! Zheng Xi yuan, you how so careless! You lost it, your not let sb down it? I am then static next hearts will begin to search afresh. Kongfu does not lose an observant and conscientious person, I am eventually below the bed the beloved treasure that found me. Evermore, I return the home, consider before must not putting down satchel to fly to desk. The baby that examines me is safe be still living and in good health.


Tell the truth, did it also give me very big inspiration? Once I encountered difficult problem, I cannot solve a problem, then I come to the side of him, after an observation, I discover its front and flank have year each. Return before the desk, I feel OK to resemble observing dinosaur is same, will solve a problem from many angle. Very fast I came out solution to a problem. From now on, I learned to see a problem from much angle.


This is my dinosaurian doll, it accompanied me a lot of years. It has joy, do not have happiness without it.


上一篇:我的心爱之物乌龟作文五年级 下一篇:跳蚤书市作文500字五年级