

2022-06-03 00:09:09读后感128

Draw this story " irised flower " it is a very beautiful story. A day be early spring then, snows has not melted completely below sunshine, burst suddenly on open country (Zhan) put an irised flower. When small ant, lizard, mice, birdie and hedgehog encounter difficulty, she helped them altruisticly with her leaf, let them overshoot difficulty, some realized a desire! Their heart gradually by warmth, this flower however slowly wither …… winter goes spring come, she restored the elegant demeanour former days again, continue to deliver joy.

绘本故事《彩虹色的花》是一个很美的故事。那是早春的一天,积雪在阳光下还没完全融化,原野上突然绽(zhan)放了一朵彩虹色的花。当小蚂蚁、蜥蜴、老鼠、小鸟和刺猬遇到困难的时候,她用自己的花瓣无私地帮助了他们,让他们渡过难关,有的实现了愿望!他们的心渐渐被温暖,这朵花却慢慢枯萎了……冬去春来, 她又恢复了往日的风采, 继续传递快乐。

Read a composition this story I was touched deeply, be happy to aid the traditional goodness that the person is the Chinese nation all the time, irised flower dedicated altruisticly oneself, bring puppy people clinking joy! Puppy people also cherish is thankful, remember the warmth that she brings. “ alone Le Le is inferior to ” of numerous Le Le, since today I also should do a person that shares pleasure, let everybody experience the warmth in wintry day, help more needs the person of the help, share more love to each person beside, each my person also has been helped beside acknowledgment. My share end, thank everybody!


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