

2022-06-09 08:08:08读后感512

Gently brush away the dust on the paper and open“ 20000 miles under the sea” With curiosity and excitement, I traveled around the beautiful underwater world on the Nautilus with the protagonist Captain Nemo


the author of this book is Ru Qin. Verne is a French science fiction writer with amazing imagination in the 19th century. He is known as the father of modern science fiction. What makes the world marvel at him is not only the exaggeration, richness, gorgeous color, very moving and rich scientific value of his novels, but also the things he wrote in his books. Although it is not surprising in the 21st century when science is developed, at that time, the second industrial revolution has just begun, but he successfully predicted the Nautilus submarine with amazing insight and rich knowledge, After experiencing the Enlightenment of Verne, many scientists finally built a real submarine 25 years later, which is similar to that described in the novel. What amazing knowledge makes this“ Prophet&rdquo


And when you really open“ 20000 miles under the sea” I was surprised that his charm was more than“ Prophecy” What is more striking is that the fantasy in his works is bold, amazing, vivid and beautiful, with a strong sense of picture, which makes people interesting to read and can't help looking forward to the next story. This paper just describes the story of French natural scientist alonas Meeting Captain Youmo in the depths of the ocean and traveling together. They traveled around the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and Antarctic glaciers and the Arctic Ocean together, and met many rare underwater animals and plants in the world, as well as underwater caves and tunnels. This not only made me marvel at the magic of the seabed, but also learned a lot of biological knowledge and seabed geology. It made me write about the refraction of light, the structure of submarine and his power system&hellip… I felt that I had enjoyed the wonders of the underwater world with Captain Nemo and his guests, and the whole journey was full of climaxes; Underwater hunting, underwater forest, visited the ruins of Atlantis at the bottom of the sea, salvaged the treasure of the Spanish sunken ship, and personally buried the crew of the same company&hellip…


alonas was admired by Captain Nemo's outstanding talent and knowledge. However, Captain Nemo is an enigmatic figure who designed“ Nautilus” On the th, he carried out large-scale scientific research on the seabed, but it seems that this is not the only purpose of his lonely trip. His life story is a mystery. It seems that his family and country perished. The prince of the country was forced to avoid his enemies, explore freedom under the sea, and feel sad about his lonely life. He is a contradiction. He is cold by nature, but he has never given up kindness: he will cry for the loss of his friends, but he is indifferent to those who cry for survival on the deck of a sunken ship; He will fight with sharks bravely for an unknown pearl picker, but avoid humans and take terrible revenge. However, this is his charm, which reflects the inner contradictions of most people. When people find resonance, they will be deeply attracted by him and moved by him


In the ups and downs of the story, the author also exhorts people: even if science and technology is the primary productive force, it is also a double-edged sword. Things must have two sides. While science and technology makes social progress, it will also bring various problems. For example, human beings use science and technology to kill and catch indiscriminately, destroy the ecological balance and destroy the environment on which people rely for survival. These problems that have plagued modern mankind have been called for as early as 200 years, which can not help but make people think deeply. The fundamental contradiction of human society&mdash— The contradiction between social progress and nature is the fundamental reason for the immortality of this eternal masterpiece


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