

2022-05-10 08:43:44六年级432

Now, level of our science and technology more and more develop, our standard of living is better and better. However gradually oversight the problem of food safety, actually, this ability is the business that we should care most and values. Because healthy it is first forever, is you say?


So I made investigation to food and snacks respect, investigating personnel is 10 male 10 female, in be being expressed from now on, can see like or the fellow student that 80% is control likes snack particularly, and he (she) people main category has: The food such as flesh of sweetmeat, deepfry, meat or fish.


Among them sweetmeat is occupied 60% , I do not object classmates eating sweet food, but cannot eat more. Because eat too much sweet the dental eat by moth that lets us easily is dropped, gain weight, serious still can cause the symptom such as hypertension, so we want proper edible.


The fellow student that still has 30% eats deepfry food, deepfry food is at the door the school some selling, be like: …… of beefsteak of platoon of fried chicken leg, fried chicken, blast but the oil of some deepfry food is the lard that has used reoccupy, ground channel is oily. Especially channel is oily, alas, want to feel disgusting, terrible.


Hey, do not think to have only outside fastfood not wholesome, and writing a composition in the supermarket is healthful, so I want to tell you, that but may not. Because still a few “ conceive ” to wear,the food of ” of “ fluky psychology wants deceive reach a standard, they are the “ in our mouth 3 without ” food.


“ the 3 food that do not have date of factory name, the site of factory, birth namely without ” food, their great majority is the provision that makes with harmful, poisonous, metamorphism or inferior raw material.


Respecting produces date, the classmate of my statistic has 90% to had noticed to produce date before buying food, and I still remembered a thing. Namely once I and mom still have cousin to go to a supermarket buying snacks together, see cousin took a pail of potato only piece, I am taken look, ah, it is to expire food! I go to cousin replace immediately, but cousin does not listen, alas, do not have method, that day in the evening because cousin ate overdue potato piece, so painful that cover abdomen rolls back and forth on the bed, until the following day, just recover. When so classmates are buying snacks or food, ten million must notice to produce date.


Common saying says “ person is iron, the meal is steel, do not eat hunger to get confused ” suddenly, so, we also cannot hungry move does not eat, and should found a harmonious blue sky for food and our safety!


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