

2022-11-13 06:51:01六年级322

"Be apt to is like water on, everythings on earth of benefit of water be apt to and do not contend for, the place that manages everybody is evil, reason a few at. Reason a few at..


-- preface


Inclined sunshine the river water below, resembling is one piece is writinged paper by Xue Tao of soppy of afterglow spread and sink in.


Ancient have " of gentleman hand in weak like water " . Gentleman should be like water, make a heart clear chasteness, be an upright person fame and gain of not seek fame and wealth, work natural and smooth writing, still be like water, when " an ice heart is in jade crock " .


Gentleman should be like water, gritty, indomitable. Water flows toward small part from altitude drip, take advantage of an opportunity and below, look be like effeminate and faint, the thing that if encounter,can stop, also patience is infinite, if encounter huge rock of edges and corners, can grind edges and corners already round, yi Shui dripstone is worn, it serves to show of its perseverance deep. Water can make ice, ice is strong and clinking, fall in cold and harsh environment the more, it can be reflected more piece firm the character that is like iron and steel, it serves to show of sex of its go through the mill strong. This firm and indefatigable volition makes a person deeply gasp in admiration.


Be an upright person should be like water, everythings on earth of benefit of be apt to, and the heart is halcyon. Look at the blue sea with one halcyon bark, when wind comes, it swings layer upon layer blue waves, when rain comes, its extensive has wave of layer upon layer green jade, fine when, it is static accompany temporal, do not contend for do not grab, not arrogant not impetuous, do not leave do not abandon. "Sea Na Baichuan, have Rong Naida. " the indulge in wilful persecution that water can dissolve wind, of can caky sand inattentive, what can irrigate put out a fire is merciless, of can diluent mud dirty; Can admit tender trickling sluggishly brooklet already, can control a swift current very arrow, fierce billow is like the race that run quickly. It opens wide broad bosom, without complain the ground that do not have regret to admit temporal, precipitate slowly next oneself, purify oneself, the gain that made oneself so is big deep wide. The character that this includes low makes a person indeed gasp in admiration.


Be an upright person should be like water, not plan gain and loss, help out the world. Father says: "Occupy ground of be apt to, deep of heart be apt to, with be apt to benevolence, yan Shanxin, politics be apt to is treated, thing kind can, when using kind. The husband is not contended for only, reason is not had blame. " although water is cold content, having a kind-hearted heart however. It never participates in combat, not persistent also at profit undeserved reputation, more not dispute individual gain and loss, gotten calm, break indifferently, and " do not be fond of with content, not with personal Bei " . Contending for because of water, temporal just cannot be contended for with its, consequently it can be controlled without any irritated care. Tender water, in the douse on the earth a dye, with dark green draw a pair exuberant, the picture scroll of good harmony. It is feeding altruisticly the people of worldly everythings on earth does not seek any get one's own back however. Such impartial, such aid age feelings are worth common people to revere.


Be apt to is like water on, the person should be like water, wish the of one mind such as my to be apt to, accept good advices, small thick favor holds thing, do not have care all one's life greatly. "Be apt to is like water on, everythings on earth of benefit of water be apt to and do not contend for, "The place of everybody is evil, reason a few at " also!


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