

2022-10-06 10:30:02五年级518


The life is Anacreontic, everythings on earth is lovely, the world is worth while.


—— preface


Life a bit, tenderness is lovely, be worth us to savour, mountains and rivers-land is not the article of furl, life is read for companion of our hold a lamp in one's hand. Far stars, vicinity sea, all be terrestrial beautiful scenery, let footstep of our rein in, go all the way, go savorring the life.


Spring day, the early morning on the weekend, pass through a window when the first sunshine, will warm sunshine is aspersed on the floor of hut, sleep I of eye Xing Song rise slowly pull open shade act, sunshine is warm and not cold, the bird on Chinese parasol tree is already vocal. Open a door, all sunshine immediately all come down in torrents comes in, can't help letting me drop a step, walk out of a door, ramble is on the highway of spotless.


Now and then the car confused of contact and not random, mutual comity, give a respectful form of address for an old person that take a walk early people the beginning of carefree contented return. Ramble is on the road, of side side slightly spring breeze is blown stealthily, wayside wild flower is gorgeous all the more. The day is very blue, the cloud is very weak, the smoke from kitchen chimneys on the housetop of the hamlet waves in the wind, everything is very natural optional. Wave in gentle breeze blast a rice is aromatic, hear neighbour to cry greatly from time to time: “ slaves that went, had a meal, return discomfort to come back. I also hear ” it seems that the mother is calling him to come home have a meal, look it seems that get full marks / the goluptious dish of full desk and mother but the smile …… of Ju everything is such warmth and nature.


Although be in the morning, let me remember Yu Xiuhua of well-known writer writer however word: “ wants a dusk is wind and the setting sun that setting completely, if wheat just ripe, just of smoke from kitchen chimneys rises, that flies on pigeon agio face only, habitat at a bulrush, bulrush as it happens prepared a melody, so enough I love this terrestrial ” of broken dripping wet, hill of city of far and near, all be the life. Wait for numerous flower to all be in, find one place unmanned cereal, build one ligneous cabin, spread one bluestone alley, plant tree of a few persimmon, this is yearning world.


When we are distressed, go to look, such beautiful scenery, can make your mood cheerful, do not make the life extinct your yearning. Do not become lay, that is not the route that you should take, hide in the corner, beg the world to be fixed eyes upon to your millions of people by what excessive, at one's convenience is worldly harships beautiful jade, wish only you as before eyebrow eye mirth, believe the flower in dawn, always one is opened for you. Fasten disappointment, do not distress, fasten sad, look ahead, of corner additional it is stars sea aside, all tender be sentimentally attached to are the jubilation of bright to you stars.


Terrestrial happiness, everythings on earth is lovely, savor the life, the world is worth while.


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