There is the seed of two hundred and seventy-six million four hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred and thirty-two on the world, …… of malic seed, corn seed, watermelon seed and each seed has a paragraph of wonderful trip.
Dandelion arrived the autumn with respect to the result, their fleeciness like each ball, brushy. Abrupt one day, blow a gale, the seed of dandelion people leave a mother to multiplying wind to fly to farther place. Waited for wind to stop, they fall slowly, settle down next. When it will be next year gemmiparous, blossom, result. Have some of lot of course not the small companionate conference of beautiful flies in water, on the tree.
The seed that follows dandelion is compared rise, cang Er's seed with respect to full marks / want “ clever ” became much. Gallop when a few puppy by ear of course dark green, its seed can be stuck on the fur of the animal. When puppy stops, can feel the itch on the body, can roll about on the ground. After Cang Er's seed falls down, they settle down over.
Camphor flower lags behind to begin a result. The seed of camphor resembles ” of “ small black soya bean, matured when small black soya bean, they can fall down from the tree. Drop the earth to had gone up 34 days, it is OK that the skin outside small black soya bean rots ” of “ raise up seed.
The metropolis after the seed leaves a mother is on the way that finds the home, the journey of every seed is very wonderful!