

2022-05-23 10:25:43读后感326

In summer vacation, I read to be called " 100 skirt " book. Believe everybody sees booklist is met and feel very strange like me, “ 100 skirt. Who can have ” so many skirt? Her home is proper very rich! Should only the princess in fairy tale story just can have so much skirt! I read the heart that cherishs curiosity this book. Is the master _ flourishing that also knew to have 100 skirt amounted to? Peiteluosiji.


This story happening is amounted to in polish flourishing and a flock of her classmates go up personally. Hero flourishing amounts to the home in very poor, she does not have what friend, wearing to fade all the day, air must walk along the blue skirt of travel to go to school. Do school woman students often ask “ how many skirt you have? You have ”“ how many pairs of shoe. ”“100 ” , “60 double ” . Every time after Wanda replies, subsequently and those who come is everybody however is derisive, classmates do not believe her not only, still often because of this embarrass her, why do since have 100 skirt,60 pairs of shoes write a composition always still that one is dressed up, enter order extremely. Wanda is being borne silently. Biting a tooth, lock double lip. Eventually one day, wanda cannot bear transfer of ground of not say a word, the picture of the skirt that left 100 when fall with brush stroke elegant unsurpassed. Among them commissioners of any a course appraise sth through discussion is to be able to win large award. Once it is so clever that flourishing of this ability discovery amounts to embarrass and the schoolgirls that had mocked her have ability. Especially often embarrass flourishing is amounted to admire fine jade and beside the Madiai that is forced to take Wanda to joke. The feeling in the picture that they give them from Wanda got flourishing amounts to the love to everybody. Their try every means wants to look for a Wanda, write a letter to apologize to her, make up for fault.


Read this book, I am touched very much. Wanda is how kind-hearted! To embarrass and the girl that mock oneself not plan past grudge. The bosom was putting dreamy picture to give 100 sundry skirt to give authority. This is what kind of one includes! Hope everybody cherishs the friendship beside well, do not miss another “ flourishing to amount to ” .


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