

2022-05-30 20:03:04读后感173

Today, I read Denmark to write the fairy tale story of master home Andersen, among them " the little girl that is stepping on biscuit to go " , let me experience most special.


This girl makes flower case, it is the child of a poor home, those who grow is very beautiful. But she is faulty, capricious proud, often do a few rebarbative things. Her mom often persuades her to be not done so, but she does not listen namely, still persist one's old ways.


Flower case grown, do slavey to a rich other people. This family mixes what she dresses up him home child is euqally beautiful. Once, goodwife allows flower division go back visit father and mother and gave her a long loaf, let her bring father and mother biscuit. Flower case the dress with beautiful dress and new shoes, taking goodwife to visit his father and mother to her long loaf. On the way home, must pass a marsh, when she walks along marsh, she is afraid of dirty clothes and shoe, put long loaf on mud ground, stepping on long loaf to go by. Very fast she sinks together with biscuit. The elf let her become a birdie to come to the world later, this she was changed thoroughly, resolution compensates the mistake previously with the action. In the winter she wants to just set composition law to seek all sorts of food, do not let off even a bit breadcrumbs, will send those hungry birdie, and herself is hated to part with however eat a bit. One day, her wing bleached suddenly, became a beautiful salangane, fly to the sun all the time. Hear mom's cry when her, hear that goodwife again saying: “ flower case too unreasonable, ought not to step on biscuit below the foot. ” flower case after listening, know oneself are wrong, ought not to step on biscuit below the foot, be willing to correct an error, ask those who beg people to excuse.


Flower case the place that has very big likeness with me, I also have her drawback, I am very capricious also, sometimes not obedient also, do not cherish commissariat, often ort leftover, when writing line of business not quite serious, attend class to talk sometimes.


After reading this story, I should draw flower check lesson, cherish commissariat, not capricious, the mistake changes, hear the word of teacher and parent. “ has done each thing hard, let study make a habit, let kindheartedness make quality and style. A lot of things, when we are had, do not feel to cherish, but when we were lost, ability can feel commendable. Food also is such, we also do not do a biscuit to walk in this kind of hooey below the foot again.


上一篇:《漫漫求水路》读后感400字 下一篇:朝花夕拾读后感500字