

2022-11-14 08:53:09五年级131

I praise of wintersweet be proud snow fights frost, praise Song Bai's remain faithful and unyielding, praise of lotus piece silty and do not catch, but I should praise more of bamboo gritty! With respect to poet of face resembling Qing Dynasty Zheng Banqiao writes " 1000 grind 10 thousand attack return firm interest, wind of north and south of thing holding the post of Er " same, bamboo, having an emulative mind!


The body with that is forceful and lofty bamboo, that elegant greenery, thin thin, particularly sharp still, but easily lacerate skin, seeming is the body that protecting his, do not let others destroy. It is straightforward up trunk and branches and leaves of evergreen of the four seasons, make the person sees the heart that gives birth to a love immediately.


The advantage of bamboo has a lot of. It is OK basket of chair of make it bamboo, bamboo and bamboo cup. People uses it, can smell on bamboo body pure natural faint scent, take away a sadness and trouble; It can be used build children in the heart " secret base " , the cate of it or the national treasure giant panda that our everybody loves! Giant panda comes with bamboo from morning till night cram oneself with food. Altogether, bamboo has a lot of profit to our life. So, I like bamboo very.


In the life, also having the person that like bamboo one sample pledges, for instance: Soldier and firemen. The soldier is national pillar, when it is difficult that the country has, soldier receive an order for a short while, hurry off to front for a short while. Anything but easily admit defeat, won't surrender more! Firemen is a kind common and dangerous profession, where to produce fire, where to have their figure. They have no regard for of life and death, be in even the last moment of life, metropolis bend does his best will rescue the personnel that be stranded. Look! They are frame-up general like bamboo -- precipitant, gritty!


My unfeignedly praises you, bamboo. You gave your lifetime the mankind, I praise your altruistic and gritty, unknown to public, consecratory goodness!


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