

2022-09-22 23:35:07六年级497


“ day of of 1000 10 thousand , always change Xin Tao old symbol. ” from of old the Spring Festival is China's mainest festival. But different place crosses the Spring Festival, congratulatory kind is different also. If you choose to spend the New Year in Guangzhou, regular meeting gives the traditional red-letter day that you contain ingredient of vast seat of government completely here.


The Spring Festival of Guangzhou, be about from “ year 28, wash dingy ” to pull open heavy curtain. This day, laborious Guangzhou person begins to rise busily, old people washs gargle early greatly clean, preparing to be god of figure of Buddha dirt of scour off every. They should buy the freshest shaddock cotyledon personally, boil the fragrance with pure and fresh cotyledon giving shaddock with conflagration, lie between a broken bits again subsequently child, filter gives juice. They can clean god of figure of Buddha with the most devotional heart. The youth keeps clearing old sundry —— flowers and plants, newspaper, dress is arranged neatly by them. Children also begin to help dozen of helper, they also can have cleared away their desk. People from early morning busy all the time to the late night.


From year 28 begin, a of Guangzhou person main business that before spending the New Year, should do should shop beautiful namely, whole flower city is beautiful ocean, the person's ocean, walk along circuit implied meaning to wear round beautiful market the coming year is sure transfer adversity, come around lucky. People often says “ goes a ” of peach blossom carry it is flourishing of good luck of flourishing of person of flourishing of money of hope the coming year, people has been in what like most before New Year to do shop so. Just as its name implies, the flowers and plants that sells inside beautiful market makes a person dazzling, what sell here is very much it is a beautiful flowers and grass, at ordinary times extremely invisibility; Also the large name that is very beautiful more very is planted, value is high; Still very much average citizen likes to be placed in the home accumulate year of flower that containing happiness to wish, be like Dajidali's dahlia, the orchid of qualitative Lan Xin of a species of orchid, the peony with grandiose riches and honour is beautiful, still having sweet smell is beautiful ocean here, other place is afraid of is to see the flower that also had not seen so much breed, the good name of ” of Guangzhou “ beautiful city can not be billow those who get undeserved reputation oh! Still youth and child like most those are miscellaneous 7 miscellaneous the plaything of 8: Come greatly sword windmill, small to the hairpin that send wear in one's hair, without surprise not to have, full of beautiful things in eyes, let a person have too many visitors or business to deal with.


“ is fed in Guangzhou ” , serve as cate, can be cate lacked how again when Guangzhou spends the New Year? Year the morning of thirty, excessive of Guangzhou ave lane became full the aroma of cate. Every distinctive cate that the home begins every to doing Guangzhou. Woman children assemble in hall hall, together scamper egg comes loose, decoct caboodle and oily horn, same cannot little. The woman is doing traditional full marks in the home by the convention of Guangzhou / small feed, evaporate is worn cake, and male people is bought miscellaneous 7 miscellaneous horse's hoof of lotus root of lotus of tangerine of the orchid of —— of special purchases for the Spring Festival of 8, peach blossom, basin, candy, candy, candy wax gourd and candy lotus seed, go again lotus sweet building buys confectionery, confectionery must shine in vain, add red mark, let population water dc. Women, besides do small feed beyond, return cake of evaporate Guangzhou's particular cake —— horse's hoof. They open superior horse's hoof pink muddy with a few water. Adding water is a big science, add much water cake can won't do form; Add little water, cake can become rock forcedly. The body of enough of horse's hoof cake of soft hard moderate reveals Guangzhou person to take those who spend the New Year seriously. The Pan pond horse's hoof of the Qing Tianshuang mouth with their will then mincing meeting and powdery oar an evaporate, a dish of horse's hoof cake that is full of sweet to family love has been done. People goes even bazaar is bought feed capable person deliciously, seafood, Shan Zhen one pile, good preparation the reunion meal in the evening. Towards evening, the family begins to plan a group year meal, everybody worked a long time, one desk is grand and the austral cate that does not lose a taste is grand come on stage. The family is brushed together brush sit in desk edge, have say to have laugh, we all recalls the work of happy happiness in a year, look into the good longing to future. Such happilying gather under the same roof, everybody is collective stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve, the old person still can take out money given to children as a lunar New Year gift to give the child, grow in order to expect child health.

“食在广州”,作为美食之都,广州过年时又怎会缺少美食呢?年卅十的早晨,广州大街小巷溢满了美食的香气。每家每户开始做着广州的独特佳肴。妇女孩子们齐聚厅堂,一起来炸蛋散、煎堆和油角,一样都不能少。妇女按广州的老规矩在家做着传统满分/小食、蒸着糕点,而男人们则去买杂七杂八的年货——兰花、桃花、盆橘、糖莲藕、糖马蹄,糖冬瓜和糖莲子,再去莲香楼买糕饼,糕饼白得发亮,加上红彤彤的印子,让人口水直流。 妇女们,除了做小食以外,还蒸广州独有的糕点——马蹄糕。她们将上好的马蹄粉用少许水开浑。加水是门大学问,加多了水糕会不成形;加少了水,糕会硬成石头。软硬适中的马蹄糕足以体现出广州人对过年的重视。接着他们会将切碎的清甜爽口的泮塘马蹄和粉浆一起蒸,一盘充满着对家人甜蜜爱意的马蹄糕就做好了。 人们还要去市集买鲜美的食材,海鲜、山珍一大堆,好准备晚上的团圆饭。傍晚,一家人便开始准备团年饭,大家忙活了半天,一桌隆重而不失家味的南国佳肴隆重登场。一家人齐刷刷坐在桌边,有说有笑,大伙儿回忆一年中快乐幸福的事,展望对未来的美好憧憬。这样欢聚一堂,大家共同守岁,老人还会拿出压岁钱给孩子,以期盼孩子健康成长。

Arrived the early in the morning of first day of the lunar year, guangzhou person can go in cloister hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to. Cloister has not opened the door, people had waited before the door, of Guangzhou person for sweet ” of “ above column, the implied meaning can make the same score smooth An An one new year, domestic happiness. Then everybody can eat vegetarian food midday, kind-hearted Guangzhou chiliad is like a day, invocatory Guo Taimin is installed, happy and in good health. Arrived the beginning of the year 2, it is the day that winds a married woman's parents' home. This day, women can get the husband and child to return a married woman's parents' home, the old person in the home can prepare one desk to be full of the cake of meal —— horse's hoof of a flavour likewise, turnip cake, bright red shrimp, the cate of of all kinds such as sea snail, we call “ to open year of meal ” , the implied meaning begins from this meal, have ample food and clothing, restful happy event is happy.

到了大年初一的清早,广州人会去寺庙里祭拜。寺庙还没开门,人们已经在门前等候了,广州人称之为“上头柱香”,寓意新的一年能平平安安,家庭幸福。接着大家中午会去吃斋饭,善良的广州千年如一日,祈求国泰民安,幸福安康。 到了年初二,是回娘家的日子。这一天,妇女们会领着丈夫和孩子回到娘家,家中老人同样会准备一桌充满家味的饭菜——马蹄糕,萝卜糕,大红虾,大海螺等各色佳肴,我们称为“开年饭”,寓意从这顿饭开始,丰衣足食,平安喜乐。

Reunite ceaselessly in this in, arrive very quickly new 15. The first month of the lunar year of 15 in the evening, the family chats together, eat stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup, transmitted in a myriad twinkling lights of a city blast blast joyous sound laughs language. There still are a lot of children to admire festive lantern on square, play festive lantern, the mem and women of shadow of cloud sweet hair on the temples is in this joyful day, recounting the love to family.


The Spring Festival is reunion, the hour that gets together, beginning of a year, the smoke internal heat of Guangzhou never is broken off, wave from the innumberable families excessive and piece, the ——“ that old people often says no less than spends the New Year, those who pass is a reuniting flavour. ”


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